by Elle
I’ve never been more grateful to not have an editor or agent breathing down my neck. Well, I take that back, a little. My husband is my editor and he can breathe down my neck any time he wants. But seriously, you know how everyone was so happy for 2020 to end...
by Elle
I have a great sex life with my husband – that hasn’t changed. But I’m still masturbating more. Why? Because of you. And you, and you, and you… I make no complaints. If I could stay horny 24/7 and move from one orgasm to the next, there would...
by Elle
It’s taken me a long time – depending on when you read this I may already be 50 – to be comfortable enough with my own sexuality and my own self to be able to occupy this space comfortably. I’ve been wanting to participate in some form of sex...