Publishing a book is a bit like having a baby. You worry right up until it comes – and then you worry even more. With my first book, which I released back in February on my 50th birthday, I was nervous but also just excited that I’d gone from talking about writing erotica to actually doing it – and that writing the naughty scenes (and letting my husband read them, since he’s my editor) wasn’t as embarrassing or difficult as I thought.

Even better, with my first book, I discovered how much I really loved writing erotica. The book could have sold one copy (to me) and I would have still been happy.

But second books. Oh boy.

Not only am I worried if people will like it and buy it and review it but I am extra nervous because I have readers out there who have been excited for this book, who read and loved The Party. I have their expectations to live up to now – and that’s maybe even tougher to survive.

I try not to obsessively monitor my sales dashboard, and I have only checked to see if anyone has reviewed it yet five times. The thing is, I WANT you to love this book – because I love this book. I want you to love the ElleVentures series.

I don’t love it because it made me stop to masturbate like The Party did. I like it because I felt myself becoming a writer as I felt my characters become real on the page. So if you don’t feel what I feel, then did I really bring those people to life the way I felt I did, or did I leave too much of it my head?

So, come with me. Let’s celebrate. The Auction is born.

I must write.

The thing is, now I’ve got the bug. I must write. It hurts not to. These people live in my head, and they’re screaming at me to get the stories out. So whether my dear readers stick with me or not, I’m compelled to keep going – but oh, how I would love to know that you love my second baby as much as you loved my first.

Love Elle

P.S. You can get The Auction at Amazon, SmashWords, Barnes & Noble, or Kobo.

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